miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

The Rock Planea Película Sobre Paige

El actor y luchador Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson está en planes para llevar al cine un proyecto sobre la vida y familia de la luchadora actual de WWE, Paige, según informa el actor, cuando estuvo en Londres para rodar escenar de Fast And Furious (2012), se encontró de casualidad con un documental sobre la vida de la británica además de contar experiencias de familia.

Después de ver el trabajo, entró en la idea de trabajar, junto a WWE Studios y Film 4, además trabajará junto al productor Kevin Misher y se pusieron en contacto con el escritor Stephen Merchant para dar vida al proyecto. Durante está semana se darán más datos sobre la cinta. Estaremos atentos y ofreceremos las novedades.
A continuación puedes ver el anuncio de The Rock en Instagram.

BREAKING: Our @sevenbucksprod is excited to announce production on a cool project we've been working on for years based on a very unique and gritty professional wrestling family and a their daughter's journey into the spotlight of the WWE. "Fighting With My Family" Years ago (2012) while shooting Fast & Furious in London, I was up at 3am (too much caffeine) and stumbled upon a documentary on a UK station about a local wrestling family and their daughter's unlikely journey into the global spotlight. That daughter, is current WWE Women's Superstar, Paige. The family strong element I saw in the doc, is what grabbed my attention. That no matter how crazy life gets, no matter how dysfunctional our families can sometimes be and especially regardless of how much we fight - we're always there for each other when it counts. That's what families do. My gut said there was a great movie to be made so I sent to my agent Brad Slater at WME who loved it. He sent it to my long time ace producer Kevin Misher, who immediately responded to the doc and he thought we should go after one of our favorite writer/directors for material like this, Stephen Merchant. Merchant, being from the UK, locked in to a strong POV and vision of how gritty and heartfelt this film needs to be and the rest is history. Pleasure to partner with WWE Studios and Film 4 to bring this cool story to life. Paige and I both know what it's like to come from a wrestling family who's had it's good and hard times. Her and I have talked about this project for years now and we're all excited to bring her and her family's story to life. Cool casting announcements coming this week! #FightingWithMyFamily #SevenBucksProds #MisherFilms #WWEFilms #Film4 #BevisFamily #SquaredCircleDNA
Una foto publicada por therock (@therock) el

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